2012年11月20日 星期二

1111 2012 日 陰 Intel

目標:2013615日前出版《Herbert Simon 滿意人生》《Herbert Simon人工科學》

交情千千 快轉型了它會直接放在日記(新生生活)中,不過接下來的會是思索與回向嗎?自己都沒有把握。
1111 2012  今午我們夫婦與永安父女晚餐。我在日記中記他女兒的一小錯(法國文學名家關係)…..我想起的是,我初一時,根本還沒接觸外國文學我國小五年級時(台北),有一閱讀測驗是胡適之先生的白話文,我在5題中還答錯一題;初一時到台中市區買一本徐志摩或朱自清的文集,我記得許多地方都讀不懂。不過初二起就拼命讀課外書,把眼睛讀壞了,那時的飲冰室全集,字那麼小。初二到綜合大樓買罪與罰,店員說這麼小就讀懂它嗎?初三讀了許多法國翻譯小說,到台北畢業旅行還不忘到文星書局(近旅館)買屋頂間的哲學家等等。 ……要說的是,能開始要讀簡‧愛,有機會讀卡夫卡的變形之後作文……在在顯示一代會比一代強。

讀劉健雄轉來的AMQ 課程 感慨
INK 文學日誌有2政府單位補助

George Entwistle resigns as BBC director general

Petraeus Quits; Evidence of Affair Was Found by F.B.I.

David H. Petraeus, the director of the C.I.A., resigned after an investigation into the possible compromise of a computer wound up uncovering an affair.


中餐要與永安等到公園滇菜館吃飯歡迎參加: 等了20分 他寶貝女兒(國中一)去新莊參加作文比賽 (題目如鬼打架--類似 設想你是稅務人員 談一些增加稅收的點子) 交通問題  書放在警衛室
YY12點就去等點了7-8樣菜不過他們道地的麵線都沒點--梁兄等胃口很好添了飯---他現在在譯情感教育 他女兒提出莫泊桑gGuy de Maupassant 和福爾拜 Faubert 的關係  待查 (她弄反了Flaubert 是大師他親自指導Maupassant  7年....當然老先生偶爾會問海軍的copy clerk 供他寫Bouvard et Pecuchet)....

今天約950/1002 造訪無人點擊

這篇的議題不只是台灣的博士之品質/還包括校長遴選制等等問題 (讀者也應該知道亞都飯店如何訓練服務人員應對計程車司機.....)


上次由內壢聖安多尼堂於 2011 年 3 月 29 日更新


我是在找我小時候1950-1960 的教堂/地標

The Pressure’s on for Intel

Intel missed out on the shift to mobile computing. Now it finds itself in a precarious position.

Since 2000, Intel has done just about everything right in its core business, maintaining its dominance of the market for PC microprocessors and putting substantial distance between itself and competitors in the market for server chips. And yet the company finds itself in a very tough position: computers are going mobile, and Intel’s share of the microprocessor market is falling off a cliff.
As shown in the chart above, 61 percent of all computing devices shipped in 2011 were of the mobile variety—up from less than 1 percent in 2000. Because most of those devices rely on technologies other than Intel’s, the company’s share of the total market for processors in computing devices has fallen from 80 percent to around 30 percent.
The company is finally entering the mobile game, but barely. The Linley Group forecasts that Intel will grab 0.7 percent of mobile processor shipments in 2012. So far it has gotten away with this meager showing because the mobile chip market as a whole remains relatively small—it is forecast to be around $5 billion in 2012, compared to $31 billion for PCs and nearly $10 billion for servers. But as the PC market slows and the popularity of smartphones and tablets continues to balloon globally, Intel will have to adapt or be left behind.
 2012年11月20日 07:24 AM

Otellini in surprise departure from Intel


Paul Otellini is stepping down from the top job at Intel, leaving no clear successor for the first time at the world’s biggest chipmaker as it struggles to find its way in the fast-growing markets for smartphones and tablets.
英特尔(Intel)首席执行官欧德宁(Paul Otellini)将卸任。这家世界第一大芯片制造商在快速增长的智能手机和平板电脑市场竭力开辟新业务之际,首次陷入没有明确首席执行官继任者的局面。
The unexpected news was announced yesterday by a company previously known for careful planning of its leadership transitions. Mr Otellini, 62, is only the fifth chief executive in its 44-year history and could have stayed on until he was 65.
His decision to step down was a personal one after nearly 40 years at the company, according to people close to Intel. “The board accepted his decision with regret,” Intel said.
While he has maintained Intel’s domination of the PC world over his eight years in charge and the company’s processors feature in four out of every five machines made, the PC market is expected to shrink this year and the company has failed to make significant inroads in new mobile markets. Its stock market capitalisation was overtaken this month for the first time by leading wireless chipmaker Qualcomm, although it has around three times the revenues of its San Diego-based rival.
尽管欧德宁在其担任首席执行官的8年中保持了英特尔在个人计算机(PC)世界的主导地位(全世 界生产的每5台电脑中,有4台采用英特尔的处理器),但个人计算机市场预计今年会萎缩,而英特尔在新的移动设备市场上未能取得显著突破。英特尔股票市值本 月首次被无线芯片制造商高通公司(Qualcomm,总部位于美国圣地亚哥)超过,尽管前者的营收是后者的约三倍。
Intel shares are down 16 per cent this year, but were virtually unchanged in New York yesterday.
“Otellini is from the generation when the PC was dominant,” said Ken Dulaney, an analyst at Gartner. “What they need now is a technology visionary, someone who sees the new markets and is from a younger generation.”
“欧德宁来自个人电脑占主导地位时的那一代人。”Gartner分析师肯•杜兰利(Ken Dulaney)说,“英特尔现在需要的是一个能够预见技术发展走向的人,一个能够注意到新的市场、来自更年轻一代的人。”

