2014年5月1日 星期四

0502 2014 五 《海濱墓園》《》When the wind blows起風了*-----只有試著活下去一條路!

Hanching Chung 分享了 Onionhead Cerebrum相片
2013年友人翻譯M. Weber的《韋伯方法論文集》,很訝異地發現作者引《浮士德》的一句,說明科學的認識論。
2014年的5月初,The Economist 有篇評台灣的抗議行動,引了一句名詩,當時我簡單解釋:
《經濟學人》好用典、玩文字。When the wind blows 是Paul  Valéry (1871-1945)最著名長詩
《海濱墓園》多次被名家引用,我們可以在舉沙特(或譯薩特Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) )的個案:他1948年發表在《現代》的一篇《考爾德的活動雕塑》 (《薩特論藝術》上海人民美術出版社,1989,頁76-9。)
考爾德的活動雕塑指Alexander Calder ( 1898 – 1976) 的Mobile系列作品。這句話出自《海濱墓園》,而卞氏的翻譯和注解,更讓我們受教:


起風吔時 ...
When the wind blows

預定2014/05/03週末出版的英國《經濟學人》(The Economist)以〈當風起之時〉為題,報導台北城中區域滿街盡是抗議群眾,任期還有兩年的馬英九成為跛腳鴨,未來有許多事得在街頭上來決定。




報導分析,日後街頭抗議將不只是台灣政治的一個印記,還將是一個決定性的因素。民進黨儘管同情示威活動,但民進黨2016年的可能總統候選人蔡英文說,要治理一個國家,不能只靠社會運動,還是要靠政治。(You can’t run a country on the basis of social movements. You have to go back to politics.)

街頭抗議反映出台灣各界廣泛地對政治體制的幻滅,且具更深遠的影響。任期還剩二年的馬英九將成跛腳鴨,而台灣的未來可能要在街頭上來決定。(The street protests reflect widespread disillusion with the weakness of Taiwan’s political institutions, yet they have undermined them still further. Mr Ma is a lame duck with two years to run. More and more, Taiwan’s future could be decided on the streets.)

The Economist - http://goo.gl/icUy8q

起風吔時 ...
When the wind blows
預定2014/05/03週末出版的英國《經濟學人》(The Economist)以〈當風起之時〉為題,報導台北城中區域滿街盡是抗議群眾,任期還有兩年的馬英九成為跛腳鴨,未來有許多事得在街頭上來決定。
儘管馬英九為了替自己的核能計畫辯護,在電視鏡頭前跟蘇貞昌激辯,翌日(4/27)卻仍有近3萬人上街抗議。馬英九召集顧問開會,勸馬英九讓步,而不要冒 險面對林義雄的死所帶來的後果。於是,在台北滿城盡是抗議群眾情境下,行政院長江宜樺宣佈,核四廠一號機安檢後封存,二號機停工。
報導分析,日後街頭抗議將不只是台灣政治的一個印記,還將是一個決定性的因素。民進黨儘管同情示威活動,但民進黨2016年的可能總統候選人蔡英文說,要治理一個國家,不能只靠社會運動,還是要靠政治。(You can’t run a country on the basis of social movements. You have to go back to politics.)
街頭抗議反映出台灣各界廣泛地對政治體制的幻滅,且具更深遠的影響。任期還剩二年的馬英九將成跛腳鴨,而台灣的未來可能要在街頭上來決定。(The street protests reflect widespread disillusion with the weakness of Taiwan’s political institutions, yet they have undermined them still further. Mr Ma is a lame duck with two years to run. More and more, Taiwan’s future could be decided on the streets.)
The Economist - http://goo.gl/icUy8q


Goodbye, Mr. Chips (originally, Good-bye, Mr. Chips) is a novella about the life of a schoolteacher, Mr. Chipping, written by the English writer James Hilton, first published by Hodder & Stoughton in October 1934. The novel has been adapted into two films and two television adaptations.

Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969 film)
In 1969, a musical film version appeared, starring Peter O’Toole and Petula Clark, with songs by Leslie Bricusse and an underscore by John Williams. In this version the character of Katherine is greatly expanded, and the time setting of the story is moved forward several decades, with Chips’ career beginning in the early 20th century and later career covering World War II, rather than World War I. O’Toole and Clark's performances were widely praised. At the 42nd Academy Awards, O’Toole was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor, and he won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy.
