2014年5月16日 星期五

0517 2014 六



Published on Nov 13, 2012
The University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory, and Fermi National Laboratory presented "Playing with Time" as part of its Joint Speaker Series on November 7, 2012, at the Field Museum. Scientists and scholars joined to discuss how time plays a role in their work. Speakers included Jean Bethke Elshtain, Martha Feldman, Salman Habib, Craig Hogan, and Sidney Nagel.



  這問題很大,建議讀讀"亞洲史兩書: A History of Asia /East Asia: tradition and transformation, " 前一本書第601頁有些說明;越南與中國南方民族更近,不過一直有獨立身份意識.....受中國影響偏上層和政治.....他們和東南亞文化互動密切......http://hcbooks.blogspot.tw/2007/10/blog-post_144.html

  姚一葦 1971 愛荷華國際寫作同學


Czesław Miłosz: The Year of the Hunter, 《攻心記》/《被禁錮的心靈》 / 《詩的見證》/《米沃什詞典》

 77歲 (得諾貝爾文學獎7年)的反思日記 (從1987.8.1到1988.7.31)。 內容極廣泛,必須將他的其他相關作品參閱才行,譬如說幽默地談他的書被書局陳放的情形,早期將他的The Captive Mind 《被禁錮的心靈》放在心理學類。多處談老病痛記憶與遺忘。對於語言和詩歌的討論多充滿慧見。

十幾處的注只提頁碼。 兩處1959年史丹佛大學出版社的蒙田全集,都不知道那一處是引蒙田的。 
 請教:托爾斯泰 說過 uton'chenie 什麼意思?
But as soon as God is invoked as a possibility of belief and a spiritual relationship (otnoshenie), a possibility of communication, 

 Tolstoy had no “intimate relationship with Christ” (“intimnoe otnoshenie k ...




G.M. Is Fined Over Safety and Called a Lawbreaker

In a civil settlement, federal regulators said General Motors also agreed to change its internal review process after a defect was linked to 13 deaths and a recall.

Wide-Ranging Recall
The departures of General Motors’ chief spokesman and head Washington adviser, and its top human resources executive are the first major changes in the automaker’s senior management since a recall in February.
這種事,   Alfred Sloan 會如何處理?

用汽車公司(General Motors Co.)首席執行長Mary Barra稱,該公司計劃在其產品開發團隊中設立一個全球產品整合部門 ( 這翻譯有點問題: global product integrity organization) ,這一部門將涵蓋該公司不久前成立的產品安全部門。


通用汽車首席執行長Mary Barra稱,計劃在其產品開發團隊中設立一個名為global product integrity organization 的部門,該部門將涵蓋公司不久前成立的產品安全部門。

My Years with General Motors我與通用汽車公司
紐約時報的書評中譯,參考 二十世紀的書

Henry Ford is rightly credited with inventing the assembly line—and with it mass production. But it was his great rival at General Motors (GM), Alfred Sloan, who really invented modern professional management. Sloan organised his company into divisions that specialised in cars “for every purse and purpose” and he fashioned a managerial class that turned GM into the world’s biggest company. His 1964 book, My Years with General Motors, is a cool explanation of how he did it (“management has been my specialisation,” he wrote flatly). It is a book that puts subsequent business autobiographies to shame.


GM's Opel Accelerates Its Path to Profitability1

  My Years with General Motors By Alfred Sloan  我與通用汽車公司  台北:協志,1971


Error at IBM Lab Finds New Family of Materials

Apple and Google End Patent Lawsuits


越南河靜省 HA TINH PROVINCE反華潮擴大,台塑集團鋼廠一名工人死亡,90人受傷

 倫敦2000年圖史: http://hcplace.blogspot.tw/....../the-evolution-of......
